
Paul Charnley

Digital Lead
Healthy Wirral Partnership

Paul is currently the Digital Lead for Healthy Wirral Partners which works across the health and care sectors in his local area. Wirral is one of the “Places” in Cheshire and Merseyside Integrated Care System. His role supports the development of a local integrated digital strategy that fits within the ICS strategy.

Prior to that, Paul transitioned from CIO at Wirral Hospital to the Digital Lead role in the Cheshire and Merseyside Health and Care Partnership (now ICS) to direct a set of shared programmes. These included a Longitudinal Care Record, Population Health Management, Personal Health Records, Digital Maturity in organisations and Infrastructure and Cyber Security. These were in response to national and regional strategic objectives funded by initiatives such as the Health Service Led Investment (HSLI) which Paul helped shape as a CIO at one of the Global Digital Exemplars. During the Pandemic, Paul took on the added roles of coordinating the digital response to testing and outbreak management using a population health management system and then vaccination.

Paul is also the co-Chair of the NHS England Transformation Directorate Digital Blueprinting Steering Committee

He was very pleased to be voted CIO of the year for 2021 by DigitalHealth.com and was awarded the Cyber Leaders award by NHS Digital’s Cyber Associate Network in 2022.